Sunday, January 18, 2009

Life is there, Under my dirty socks and math book

WEEEELLL!!! Life is alright and I could go through everything you missed, but I don't want to. So today I woke up and went to church, it was ALLL Good ^_^! I walked in upstairs and Joe walked over and before he could say anything I had to chase Mr. Bounds down to give him a hug Then I went back and hugged Joe and Brittany <3. Then Joe and his brother Chaaaaaarlliiiee (XD) wanted to show me their wrestling video from last Friday. So we went into one of the Sunday school rooms that had a TV in it. I will NEVER wrestle, it looks so painful. But Joe is really good at it, and so is charlie ( bra-head! lol). I twas funny watching them talk about themselves, Joe was like " Look at my Bicep, its so huge!" and Charlie was flailing over his 'chiseled back'. So I want to go watch them wrestle sometime. I know what day and what time, just not I might have to call or something. XD
After service I go to talk to Neil, which was pretty frickin awesome. Bitter sweet. O_o
I finished all my exams last week. So I will have those grades back soon. That mean first semester of freshmen year is over!!! I am on to my next classes. World history honors, English 1 honors, Earth and environmental science honors, and Geometry. SO I am really excited for that!! I don't want to leave Mrs. Bells class, but WHEN I get into national honor society I will see more of her ^_^ ( she runs NHS). I have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday off from school.
One more random thing I have a vampire smile, and when i get hyper I act like Peanut from Jeff Durham! lol

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